Digital Marketing, a way to outstand others!


We have pretty much heard about the word marketing in our day-to-day life. But do we exactly know what marketing is? Now it's lingering in your mind, doesn't it? Now that you have realized and curious about it, this article will help you out in understanding a few of the concepts of marketing.

What is marketing? why is it so common yet so difficult to understand the concept? Will learning about marketing help in any way to improve our business standards? That's a lot of learning honestly.

Marketing is a game of perception. Products are rooted in reality. Never let marketing become more important than the product. Build a product based on need rather than want. Research about the available similar products and where would your product stand in the market. Never compromise the quality of the product. If the product is not good, no amount of marketing would help to scale up the business. People might pay attention to it at the start but it won't work in the longer run. People will gradually lose hope and reject the product. A great product sells itself. 

Marketing is totally based on facts and science but not creativity. The process of marketing starts way before creating a product. It starts with understanding the customer and his requirement for the product. Only then that would lead to the desired product that fits. Marketing is not just about selling. A company with better marketing strategies will keep existing customers happy by communicating with them so that they remain customers for life. The very first step would be building trust with customers. The second would be knowing their requirements and the third would be making a satisfactory product for the customer and keeping them happy so that in the future if they need any product in your respective domain the only name that should pop up is yours. A great product converts your customers into brand ambassadors. Word of mouth marketing is the best channel of marketing ever. People trust people more than brands.

"Do not be the No.1, be the only one".This is truly an inspiration to all those who think who cannot compete with society and feel dejected thinking there is already a number 1 and there is no place for us. First of all, we need to decide where to compete and then approach it with our own unique angle. Deciding where to compete gives us half success. If not in the main category at least we can try in subcategories that have lesser competitions and be a leader there. Remember being a leader, doing it right, and providing quality products that matter the most.

Digital marketing v/s Traditional marketing

Digital marketing means using digital channels such as websites and social media as tools for marketing communication. Traditional marketing on the other hand involves traditional channels, like billboards and printed media. The basic difference between these 2 methods is the medium through which the audience encounters a marketing message. Though users keep reducing gradually in traditional marketing, it doesn’t mean it’s old-fashioned. Traditional marketing still plays an important role in people’s lives with the ever-growing need to step out of the digital world. Traditional marketing is easy to understand and is a permanent way of marketing until it is discarded or recycled. It is more memorable since Seeing something in real life rather than on your phone is more likely to be remembered. In the same way, digital marketing is just as important as traditional if not even more so. Digital marketing uses every touchpoint of your daily use of the internet to reach us since we are truly living in the internet age. In order to reach a broader and younger audience, digital marketing would be of great use. This kind of marketing has a greater pro as we can physically see what your audience thinks of your brand and marketing efforts. If your marketing has been shared, liked, and had plenty of positive comments, you know you’re doing it right. Both digital and traditional marketing has their own pros and cons. We need to select the type of marketing based on our target audience and what they want.



CATT Marketing Funnel


Wealth=n^CATT describes CATT  Marketing Funnel.

n= Niche

C= Content

A= Attention

T= Trust

T= Translation

Niche - niche is finding the right market requirement and fulfilling that requirement with your skills and interest. Working on multiple niches and not sticking to a particular niche will consume all your efforts, time, and money for no result. That's why selecting and sticking to a particular niche is important.

Content(C): our content should be very eye catchy & attractive because without content we cannot market anything. We need to reach our audience and attract them through our content. We need to add value to our audience through our quality content.

Attention(A): Attention is nothing but grabbing more people and creating larger traffic towards the built content. We need to attract them through various platforms where we think this product fit to be.

Trust(T): This is a very important step as trust is what which would hold customer tight to our products. Never let that trust break either in the matter of products or on yourself. This would lead to forever loss of customers. Once the trust is broken there is no way to fix it as it was. The more trust the more strong brand is built.

Transaction(T): The transaction becomes easy when our audience trusts us. We need to convert our leads into customers with natural sales methods. Once the trust is built the customers become the marketers and they promote the product on their social platforms this would eventually increase our leads.

Integrated Digital Marketing

Integrated Digital Marketing is like a team with content as the leader and other digital marketing methods like its team members. Just like how teamwork would bring greater success and growth towards the brand than individual success.

Rather than focusing on a single platform, marketing in various platforms would attract a greater number of leads. There are different categories of people who would like to use different platforms. When we market through various platforms we won't miss out on those categories which are not present in one which we have already marketed. We will be able to reach all age groups and various interest-oriented people.

Personal Branding


"The best known will always beat the best''

Personal branding is the practice of marketing people and their careers as brands. If we want to make an impact in the world, creating a branding strategy is definitely the place to begin. Personal branding is also essential for any influencer, business coach, or person who wants to share their story with the world. Personal branding is more like promoting oneself. It is the unique combination of skills, experience, and personality that you want your followers to see. A personal brand can give rise to many brands from his/her influence. A personal brand becomes an influencer and a brand ambassador for the companies that they run. Once the trust is built with a specific brand and its owner, people will automatically trust the future products which would be invented. Let's take the Apple brand as an example. This brand has been accepted by millions of people. If Apple wants to start a new venture, they get a greater response and acceptance as they have built their brand so efficiently.

The evolution of personal branding

Learn- We need to learn new skills, their facts and procedures thoroughly, and gain knowledge. We need to remember the procedures and keep practicing them. We need to understand the trending skills and strategies being used in our field and keep ourselves updated as people seek positive changes and no one really likes to use the same old concepts.

Work- The newly learned skills and procedures have to be worked on.As said practice makes the man perfect. We need to practice more and more and try to implement them and also can do our own projects, freelance, or work on that domain.

Blog-Write about what you have learned, your experience, difficulties faced through your work.When we write we understand it better. Write down your thoughts and their importance from your perspective.

Consult-After creating a personal brand through blogs, experience, start consulting other businesses instead of working for them.

Mentor-Start mentoring others who have an interest in your domain and are willing to learn. Inspire them to become like you. By mentoring someone you get to learn a lot of things and takes your understanding to a whole new level.

Startup-Start your own product/service based on newly developed skills and with the understanding that you've developed about the market, problems, and your own skills.


Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value. Build relationships, not links. Learn, implement, keep working, never give up on your dreams and your niche. Remember, no one has the passion to make it work other than you. Only you can make your ideas become a reality. Use the right path and success is all yours. Build your own brand and team. Do not compromise on your product standards and never let your customer's expectations down.

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